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2021 Black Belt Course Closing Ceremony

In this Saturday January 15, 2022 in the Cinema of the Shopping Benfica, the Federation Cearense of Judô (FECJU) promoted the Ceremony of Closing of the Course of Black Belts 2021. A total of 105 candidates were promoted to new graduations, distributed in 02 Godan (5th Dan), 05 Yondan (4th Dan), 14 Sandan (3rd Dan), 33 Nidan (2nd Dan) and 51 Shodan (1st Dan).

The ceremony was attended by the Kodansha, and by invited authorities such as the President of the Brazilian Judo Confederation (CBJ) professor Silvio Acássio, who sent a message to all those present.

We would like to thank Shopping Benfica and the Brazilian Judo Confederation (CBJ) for their support. These partnerships were fundamental in providing a great event for everyone.

We also congratulate the new graduates of 2021 for their commitment and dedication to conquer this stage.

Complete photo coverage on our Facebook page:

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