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Technical Accreditation 2022.2

The Ceará Judo Federation held on August 20 and 21, 2022, Saturday at the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ceará (Av. Desembargador Moreira, 2807) and Sunday at the BNB CLUB Fortaleza (Avenida Santos Dumont, 3646) respectively, Fortaleza / Ceará the TECHNICAL ACCREDITATION 2022.2.

The event took place in person and counted with the participation of 238 judokas, distributed in the categories of: Presidents and Technical Directors of associations / clubs, Kodansha, Technicians with CREF, CBJ and FECJU Accredited Referees, Black Belts Teachers, Black Belts proposing to technicians, Black Belts proposing to Referees and Altets from SUB18 to Veterans.

The associations that were present represented by the various categories of judokas were: Academia de Judô Professor Garcia, Associação de Judô Bushikan, Associação Desportiva Adonai Judô Clube, Associação Fênix , Associação Judô Búfalo Branco, Associação Resgate Judô para Todos, BNB Clube de Fortaleza, Colégio Militar de Fortaleza, Colégio Santa Cecília, Dojô Império do Sol, Dojo Solo, Instituto Ação e Reação, Instituto Bons Ventos, Instituto Cuca, Instituto Glaucia Lima, Judô Clube Samurai Dojô, Judô Clube Sol Nascente, Judô Clube WS, Judô Kan, Judô Maracanaú, Judô Musashi, Saiko Dojô, Sampaio Dojô, Tsume To Washi, UniAteneu e W Judô.

The invited speakers for this accreditation were:

  • Luiz Bayard Martins dos Santos: Graduation in Physical Education, Master in Human Movement Sciences, Specialist in Brazilian Coach Academy COB, Specialist in Weight Training and Personal Trainer, Black Belt YoDan and President of Gaucha Judo Federation (FGJ);

  • José Evangelista da Silva Junior: Go Dan Black Belt, Continental Referee, Referee Director of the Ceará Judo Federation (FECJU).

  • Thiago Cavalcante Ferreira Costa: Graduation in Physical Education - Ceará State University (UECE), NiDan Black Belt, Judo Teacher since 2015, Systems Analyst with Microsoft Certifications, IT and Communication Coordinator - Ceará Judo Federation(FECJU);

  • Assis Gomes: FECJU Legal Department.

In this second accreditation of 2022, the themes approached in a theoretical way, on Saturday, and practical in dojô, on Sunday, were:

  • From Initiation to High Performance, given by Luiz Bayard;

  • Qualification and Training of New Referees, given by Evangelista Júnior;

  • Zempo Platform: From Management to Competition, given by Thiago Cavalcante;

  • Harassment in Sports, given by Assis Gomes.

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